Established in 1982, Friends of Kansas Libraries (FoKL) is a tax-deductible, non-profit organization governed by a board of officers and trustees from all regions of Kansas. Membership includes individuals, libraries, Friends organizations, and businesses who are interested in promoting and supporting libraries in their communities and state-wide.

Membership Levels:
Individual Membership – $15
Friends Group – $25
Library or Organization – $35
Best Friend – $50
Bookworm – $100
Carnegie Circle – $250

FoKL Mission Statement: To encourage and support new and existing local Friends groups, to facilitate the exchange of useful information among organizations of Friends, and to advocate for excellent library services.

– Assists with the development of new and existing Friends organizations
– Provides start-up grants to new Friends groups needing assistance
– Provides challenge grants to Friends groups for library programs and support of group projects
– Recognizes exemplary efforts through the Outstanding Individual and Outstanding Friends Group annual awards
– Provides a presence at the annual Kansas Library Association Conference
– Provides opportunities to learn and grow through workshops at the annual Kansas Library conference, First Friday with Friends, and other forums
– Publishes the FoKL Point newsletter
– Provides guidance and assists library advocates in improving library funding