Start-Up Grants

FoKL provides start-up grants (maximum of $150) for new library Friends organizations. Grant applications are accepted any time of year, with funds distributed quarterly but limited by FoKL’s annual budget.

Any group requesting a grant must be a current member of FoKL (membership form).

Examples of uses for start-up grants include:
– Hosting a membership event (refreshments, speaker, invitations)
– Promotional materials (flyers, advertising)
– Marketing Friends at local festival or library event (signs, prizes)

Successful grant applications include:
– a budget for your event
– a sample of a brochure or mailing plans for attracting members
– a core group (5 to 7) of  enthusiastic Friends

Start-up Grant Application

A follow-up report of your group’s start-up campaign will need to be submitted to the FoKL Board as a requirement for the grant. Submit your application to:

Friends of Kansas Libraries
4317 W. 6th Street
Lawrence, KS 66049